Hey everyone,
I'm here to annoy you with my donation question:
School ends on Dec. 22 and starts back up in March. I want to have field days during these few months of break with the children. They're all interested in all types of American sports; frisbee, baseball, golf, etc. A few told me they wanted to learn other sports because here all there is is soccer, volleyball, and a little bit of football. Therefore, my original plan was to to have this field day with both children and youth at different times of the day with different sports equipment. I have other ideas as well, such as relay races, etc. However, the people here really enjoy sport sports. I didn't ask before because I thought when I went to Ancash for a week of training I'd be able to find sports equipment, but to my disappointment, there is none. I tried another city during one of my meetings, and I realized that Peru just doesn't have much sports equipment. The only things I have been able to find are small balls.
I know this is last minute, but if anyone has any kind of sports equipment that you don't use anymore or if anyone can find anything and send it to me, that would be AMAZING! Any sports equipment, it really doesn't matter--balls, small toys, tennis balls, baseballs, Frisbees (if anything, I think they would enjoy Frisbees the most),or even small arts and crafts things such as play-do or anything!
Again, I will put my address at the bottom of this blog. The faster I receive the equipment, the faster I can start. Thank you so so so much! I will update more when i have more internet access :)
Megan McKenna
Cuerpo de Paz
Casilla Postal 208
Oficina de Serpost, Chiclayo
Lambayeque, PerĂº
Sud America
A 27-Month Peruvian :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My Provider
So I have not had internet for about month, therefore sorry for not replying back to some people's emails! I'm replying back to everyone now, so sorry if I forget somebody!
I always have a million thoughts flooding my mind and never know how to verbalize fully how I feel.. But I'll try anyways. I'll try bullet points again:
--I know some already know this story, but here it goes anyways:To travel from my village to the city, it costs 15-25 soles, depending on the driver and how much they want to charge a gringa. I just discovered a problem I have--I don't know how to control my money very well. I'm still figuring out how much money I need to take out of the bank before I arrive at my village since there is no bank where I live. I have to take out a month's worth at a time since I only go to the city once a month. All this unimportant information to say that I miscalculated this time. I had to go to the city, and I thought I had enough money to get there until I checked my wallet--a 10 sole bill plus some change that just BARELY equaled 15 soles, not including money for taxis, etc. I tend to freak out about...everything. Especially when I've been in my site for a month and need to leave and get out. I like my site, but sometimes I just need to get away, haha. I thought maybe I had a bill unseen in my wallet. Maybe I had folded it really small somewhere in my one pocket wallet. As I'm trying to calm myself, I emptied out my wallet, still only to see a one 10 sole bill. My wallet is very simple, with just one pocket and a small one for change; it's hard to miss anything that's in it. After emptying my wallet 5 times and re-flattening my 10 sole bill, I gave up on my optimism. I put my wallet back in my dresser, searched every jean pocket in my room, every crevice, everywhere I could think of. Unfortunately, no luck. So I just prayed that I would be able to get out of my city with enough money. I really didn't want to have to wait to get out of my village. After I gave up, I decided to go to bed and hope for the best the next morning.As I was falling asleep, I silently prayed "God, can you just drop me a 20 sole bill? That will fix everything. k thanks." The next morning, I felt like checking my wallet again. I open it up and there neatly arranged in the center of my wallet is a neatly red bill that says '20 sole.' Which DEF was not there before because I emptied that thing out a million times. It wasn't even hiding in a crevice in my wallet; it was right there...it would have fallen out if I dropped my wallet. crazy!I know some people would say im just blind or that was just some weird thing that happened. But I believe it was God's provision. Thank GOD I was able to leave with enough money. I even had some left over when I arrived in the city :) It made me realize how small I am and how big God is, and how He pretty much can do anything he wants and defy the law of common sense.
--I'm starting to get invited to more things,meaning the people are starting to accept me more. I stayed at a dance party till 2 in the morning. I don't understand how these people dont sleep and still have a crazy amount of energy!
--I'm almost done with my world map at the high school, more like my '1/4' world map, because the students only want to paint a couple continents...at least it's better than nothing.
--I'm still teaching english to the school, the convent, police, the doctor in town, and a friend.
--I'm sorry for my poor grammar, haha. Sometimes I'm in a hurry like today and just write as much and as fast as I can and click publish without reading it.
--One girl wants to know how to run and exercise, so in the mornings I will be teaching her different exercises and how to run :)
--I'm starting my projects in 3 weeks after my training this month! here are the list of a few:
1.trash project: I'm going to give classes on trash in the schools, such as the effects of pollution, the importance of being responsible with the trash, etc. Not many people own trash cans in my town, the majority of people throw the trash wherever they are standing at the moment. Some streets are flooded with all kinds of trash. There is one trash group who sometimes comes by to pick up a few of the trash and just dumps it in a really big pile about a mile from my village...In my surveys I gave the school, many people mentioned their dislike in trash as well, so I'm going to show them the graphs of the responses. Then I'm going to have each grade compete with each other by having each class decorate and paint their own trash can. One thing these kids are motivated is with art. The winner gets a prize, which I'm still working on. Afterwords, we're going to put the trash cans in the street and I'm going to try to create weekly trash groups with the youth. I've built a few relationships with some of the older youth, so I'm hoping to have them involved. If I can't afford enough materials (I'm very surprised how costly art supplies and trash cans are!!) I want to have 'Earth Awareness Day,' with dramas and dances and face painting for a fundraiser.
2.Recycling project: have the students in high school compete (they love competitions) by making outfits out of recycled products, and making ornaments out of recycled objects. People here make their own things out of scratch all the time, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard with recycled objects. Also, there's a program where you can receive money for a certain amount of products you recycle. So I want to motivate the people by telling them exactly what they need to recycle to gain X amount of money, etc.
3. I want to do a scholarship and college awareness project: many of these students want to go to college but do not have the resources to go. Some just do not know much about it. I researched some colleges, but I have a friend that did a college fair awhile back (She's a 3 year Peace Corps Volunteer) and has a booklet of information of all the colleges. She's still in the process with putting the final pieces together, but when she's done, she's going to send me a copy and I'm going to give charlas to whoever wants to hear about these opportunities. I'm thinking about doing a fundraiser like a movie night (if we have a projector, that might not exist here, haha) or a dance night (since we have them every week anyways, or bi-weekly) and have people pay a sole to get in. The highschool did this for their anniversary and raised a good amount. After the fundraiser, if we receive enough, I want to take a few that are actually interested on a field trip to a college to ask questions, explore, become motivated, etc. If only a few want to hear, I might just give these discussions in my office.
4. Field Day-- school ends in December and doesn't start back up until March. During this time, I heard it's like a ghost town. However, for the people that are still here, apparently there are no activities for the kids or the youth. Therefore, I want to create field days bc these people LOVE sports. They told me they want to learn american sports like tennis, Frisbee, etc. So I want to maybe have a weekly sport day involving different teams and kids just to get these children out of their houses and moving and exercising. However, I went to the market yesterday and could not find any American sports. I'm hoping to find some during training. This is still being molded, I'm a little stressed with this one, but I'll figure it out.
5. Nutrition/Sanitation is a HUGE problem here, especially when water turns off in the middle of the day so people don't even have the resources to wash their hands even if they wanted to. We learned in training how to make topy tops. Which is basically getting a liter water bottle, filling it with water while there's still access to it, poke a hole in it and put a stopper on it and hang it on a wall with a string. There's a few more details in making it, but that's the gist of it. It's like a portable sink and when there's no water left, people can use this. I'm also going to be giving lessons on nutrition and sanitation, hopefully with the health post. I have a few experiments in mind.
6. Gardens--not now, i have to get these other projects done first, but many people love to garden here. However, they only garden fruits and flowers. Hardly anyone here eats vegetables. I'm pretty sure there are a ton of malnourished people here. Therefore I want to start a vegetable garden with whoever wants to get involved. However, this will be a pretty long project. I'm going to start when other projects are starting to lift off.
7. There's a year long workbook made to be in the for of discussions for classes or youth groups with youth. It's about communication, self esteem, the basics of how to respect each other, the importance of value, etc. Many people don't even know the basics. However, I don't want to teach this in the school because with my experience so far, I'm pretty sure they won't even listen. I want to create youth groups and have very informal sessions in my office so people will participate and get involved. I've realized the smaller groups have more participation.
There's a few more ideas but these are the main ones I'm thinking about that I will hopefully be starting very soon! and I have to leave to go back to my town, but ill post more pics net time!
I always have a million thoughts flooding my mind and never know how to verbalize fully how I feel.. But I'll try anyways. I'll try bullet points again:
--I know some already know this story, but here it goes anyways:To travel from my village to the city, it costs 15-25 soles, depending on the driver and how much they want to charge a gringa. I just discovered a problem I have--I don't know how to control my money very well. I'm still figuring out how much money I need to take out of the bank before I arrive at my village since there is no bank where I live. I have to take out a month's worth at a time since I only go to the city once a month. All this unimportant information to say that I miscalculated this time. I had to go to the city, and I thought I had enough money to get there until I checked my wallet--a 10 sole bill plus some change that just BARELY equaled 15 soles, not including money for taxis, etc. I tend to freak out about...everything. Especially when I've been in my site for a month and need to leave and get out. I like my site, but sometimes I just need to get away, haha. I thought maybe I had a bill unseen in my wallet. Maybe I had folded it really small somewhere in my one pocket wallet. As I'm trying to calm myself, I emptied out my wallet, still only to see a one 10 sole bill. My wallet is very simple, with just one pocket and a small one for change; it's hard to miss anything that's in it. After emptying my wallet 5 times and re-flattening my 10 sole bill, I gave up on my optimism. I put my wallet back in my dresser, searched every jean pocket in my room, every crevice, everywhere I could think of. Unfortunately, no luck. So I just prayed that I would be able to get out of my city with enough money. I really didn't want to have to wait to get out of my village. After I gave up, I decided to go to bed and hope for the best the next morning.As I was falling asleep, I silently prayed "God, can you just drop me a 20 sole bill? That will fix everything. k thanks." The next morning, I felt like checking my wallet again. I open it up and there neatly arranged in the center of my wallet is a neatly red bill that says '20 sole.' Which DEF was not there before because I emptied that thing out a million times. It wasn't even hiding in a crevice in my wallet; it was right there...it would have fallen out if I dropped my wallet. crazy!I know some people would say im just blind or that was just some weird thing that happened. But I believe it was God's provision. Thank GOD I was able to leave with enough money. I even had some left over when I arrived in the city :) It made me realize how small I am and how big God is, and how He pretty much can do anything he wants and defy the law of common sense.
--I'm starting to get invited to more things,meaning the people are starting to accept me more. I stayed at a dance party till 2 in the morning. I don't understand how these people dont sleep and still have a crazy amount of energy!
--I'm almost done with my world map at the high school, more like my '1/4' world map, because the students only want to paint a couple continents...at least it's better than nothing.
--I'm still teaching english to the school, the convent, police, the doctor in town, and a friend.
--I'm sorry for my poor grammar, haha. Sometimes I'm in a hurry like today and just write as much and as fast as I can and click publish without reading it.
--One girl wants to know how to run and exercise, so in the mornings I will be teaching her different exercises and how to run :)
--I'm starting my projects in 3 weeks after my training this month! here are the list of a few:
1.trash project: I'm going to give classes on trash in the schools, such as the effects of pollution, the importance of being responsible with the trash, etc. Not many people own trash cans in my town, the majority of people throw the trash wherever they are standing at the moment. Some streets are flooded with all kinds of trash. There is one trash group who sometimes comes by to pick up a few of the trash and just dumps it in a really big pile about a mile from my village...In my surveys I gave the school, many people mentioned their dislike in trash as well, so I'm going to show them the graphs of the responses. Then I'm going to have each grade compete with each other by having each class decorate and paint their own trash can. One thing these kids are motivated is with art. The winner gets a prize, which I'm still working on. Afterwords, we're going to put the trash cans in the street and I'm going to try to create weekly trash groups with the youth. I've built a few relationships with some of the older youth, so I'm hoping to have them involved. If I can't afford enough materials (I'm very surprised how costly art supplies and trash cans are!!) I want to have 'Earth Awareness Day,' with dramas and dances and face painting for a fundraiser.
2.Recycling project: have the students in high school compete (they love competitions) by making outfits out of recycled products, and making ornaments out of recycled objects. People here make their own things out of scratch all the time, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard with recycled objects. Also, there's a program where you can receive money for a certain amount of products you recycle. So I want to motivate the people by telling them exactly what they need to recycle to gain X amount of money, etc.
3. I want to do a scholarship and college awareness project: many of these students want to go to college but do not have the resources to go. Some just do not know much about it. I researched some colleges, but I have a friend that did a college fair awhile back (She's a 3 year Peace Corps Volunteer) and has a booklet of information of all the colleges. She's still in the process with putting the final pieces together, but when she's done, she's going to send me a copy and I'm going to give charlas to whoever wants to hear about these opportunities. I'm thinking about doing a fundraiser like a movie night (if we have a projector, that might not exist here, haha) or a dance night (since we have them every week anyways, or bi-weekly) and have people pay a sole to get in. The highschool did this for their anniversary and raised a good amount. After the fundraiser, if we receive enough, I want to take a few that are actually interested on a field trip to a college to ask questions, explore, become motivated, etc. If only a few want to hear, I might just give these discussions in my office.
4. Field Day-- school ends in December and doesn't start back up until March. During this time, I heard it's like a ghost town. However, for the people that are still here, apparently there are no activities for the kids or the youth. Therefore, I want to create field days bc these people LOVE sports. They told me they want to learn american sports like tennis, Frisbee, etc. So I want to maybe have a weekly sport day involving different teams and kids just to get these children out of their houses and moving and exercising. However, I went to the market yesterday and could not find any American sports. I'm hoping to find some during training. This is still being molded, I'm a little stressed with this one, but I'll figure it out.
5. Nutrition/Sanitation is a HUGE problem here, especially when water turns off in the middle of the day so people don't even have the resources to wash their hands even if they wanted to. We learned in training how to make topy tops. Which is basically getting a liter water bottle, filling it with water while there's still access to it, poke a hole in it and put a stopper on it and hang it on a wall with a string. There's a few more details in making it, but that's the gist of it. It's like a portable sink and when there's no water left, people can use this. I'm also going to be giving lessons on nutrition and sanitation, hopefully with the health post. I have a few experiments in mind.
6. Gardens--not now, i have to get these other projects done first, but many people love to garden here. However, they only garden fruits and flowers. Hardly anyone here eats vegetables. I'm pretty sure there are a ton of malnourished people here. Therefore I want to start a vegetable garden with whoever wants to get involved. However, this will be a pretty long project. I'm going to start when other projects are starting to lift off.
7. There's a year long workbook made to be in the for of discussions for classes or youth groups with youth. It's about communication, self esteem, the basics of how to respect each other, the importance of value, etc. Many people don't even know the basics. However, I don't want to teach this in the school because with my experience so far, I'm pretty sure they won't even listen. I want to create youth groups and have very informal sessions in my office so people will participate and get involved. I've realized the smaller groups have more participation.
There's a few more ideas but these are the main ones I'm thinking about that I will hopefully be starting very soon! and I have to leave to go back to my town, but ill post more pics net time!
Showing some love, haha |
I taught the youth how to make crazy pictures; they thought i was weird until they started having fun making weird pics too |
I want to steal her and take her back to the US with me. We were both bored during an event (anniversary of the school), and we played a bunch of games until the event was over |
Girls that I teach English to; I watch English movies with the girl on the right, Milagros |
Monday, October 11, 2010
I'm not gonna lie, this past month has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. But No matter what I go through, how bad of a day I have had, it always gets better by the end of the day. Whether it be my five year old sister painting my fingernails or forcing me to dance the Hyno, or having my sister and brother bursting into my room intently staring at me typing my boring diagnostic while attempting to sit on my lap, or playing 'dont fall off the tire into the moldy water' with some kids for entertainment when we had no lights (we used a tire outside as a trampoline and held hands to jump as high as we could without falling)...for the first time since I've been here, about a month and 2 weeks now, my host family is starting to feel like my real family (dont worry mom and dad, no mom or dad compares to you, haha, no offense). They care for me even in the littlest ways. When I told my family I was scared of the mummy sitting on my desk in my office that the people in my village found in the woods, they tried to help me come up with ways to ask to get it removed. The next day my brother sees me and comes running saying "do you still have a mummy??" And when I said no he announces it to the whole family and everyone applauses. They even planned a weekend for me to see where they grew up at. I always tell them how interested I am to see all the animals and way out there rural stuff, so they told me they were going to show me all they can in a day. Now some of my family is wanting to run with me in the mornings; my ten year old and 5 year old host cousins ran with me this morning at 6. We raced and I lost.
I think you really start realizing youre becoming family when you start getting in 'trouble' with them. I was out with a couple new friends I made. I was out later than usual (only a few houses away), and the next day I was told that my host dad was incredibly worried for me and was asking about me. The next day I had a talking about my safety and how I need to come home early next time. Also, one day I was super sick and was too weak to get out of my bed (no worries i can walk again), and my parents came into my room about 20 times that day. Ya, it was a little annoying but really sweet. They would come in and serve me tea, crackers, my dad bought alcohol because he thought it would help me, hahaha. My mom bought me some type of vicks vapor rub (can you believe they have that in a village?). ANd these people dont have much so to go out of their way to buy all these supplies for me helped. I dont think Ive ever seen them so worried before. They probably thought I was dying or something.
Ya, of course its hard and I still sometimes feel like i'm doing nothing, but I think I will always feel that way. I probably will always feel like an outsider to some extent, but I woke up the first time the other morning with complete peace. No worries thinking about how much I'm going to screw up today, how many awkward coversations I'm going to have, or how sick i'm going to get. I guess I'm learning to 'go with the flow.' ha.
In other news, I haven't told my sisters yet, so hope theyre reading this, but I think half the town wishes my sisters weren't married so they can marry them. In one of my classes I brought in pictures of my family and friends for a lesson, and both girls and guys asked first how old erin and rachel are, then they asked if they would ever come to Llama, then asked if they're single. I received quite a number of dissatisfied faces when I told them 'sorry they're happily married.' I'm pretty sure the girls were asking for their older brothers. They think theyre the prettiest things theyve ever seen.
The people here are starting to be very friendly towards me, and I've had a number tell me that I have improved greatly in my spanish and someone else told me 'i can actually understnd you this time." However, every time I meet a new person, they tell me 'no entiendo' or 'i dont understand you.' So really, I think theyre just used to my broken spanish. My host family is starting to translate for me. i was invited to a wedding, and the after party was all dancing. I had a persistent old man ask me to dance Marinara, the hardest dance ever in Llama, and when i said no, a bunch of the people clapped their hands and told me to try. out of peer pressure, i got up and attempted to dance, having NO idea what the heck i was doing. i found myself inventing my own steps because I didnt know any of them. the majority of the people in the room clapped their hands at me and all tried to teach me how to dance with him, haha. a little awkward. but i survived.
Healthwise, Ive been a little sick lately and have had to go to the city chiclayo a few times to get tested, hence the reason for my frequent use of internet access lately. Its a little frustrating because I feel like I could be doing a lot more if I was better. But the doctors are working on finding what the heck is wrong with me, so thats good. And one more thing--this whole time ive been having great moments but not a great time, because of a number of factors about my site. homesickness, isolation, etc. But, now its not just great moments anymore. Im actually beginning to really enjoy being in my site. The things that made me not like my site im starting to like. I cant believe this thought is coming to my mind, but im starting to like being really really isolated from all the other communities and volunteers and civilization! A friend told me the more isolated you are, the happier, and I never believed that. but im starting to now.being isolated helps me build deeper relationships with these people; its helping me learn more about their culture and just how they live.
I think you really start realizing youre becoming family when you start getting in 'trouble' with them. I was out with a couple new friends I made. I was out later than usual (only a few houses away), and the next day I was told that my host dad was incredibly worried for me and was asking about me. The next day I had a talking about my safety and how I need to come home early next time. Also, one day I was super sick and was too weak to get out of my bed (no worries i can walk again), and my parents came into my room about 20 times that day. Ya, it was a little annoying but really sweet. They would come in and serve me tea, crackers, my dad bought alcohol because he thought it would help me, hahaha. My mom bought me some type of vicks vapor rub (can you believe they have that in a village?). ANd these people dont have much so to go out of their way to buy all these supplies for me helped. I dont think Ive ever seen them so worried before. They probably thought I was dying or something.
Ya, of course its hard and I still sometimes feel like i'm doing nothing, but I think I will always feel that way. I probably will always feel like an outsider to some extent, but I woke up the first time the other morning with complete peace. No worries thinking about how much I'm going to screw up today, how many awkward coversations I'm going to have, or how sick i'm going to get. I guess I'm learning to 'go with the flow.' ha.
In other news, I haven't told my sisters yet, so hope theyre reading this, but I think half the town wishes my sisters weren't married so they can marry them. In one of my classes I brought in pictures of my family and friends for a lesson, and both girls and guys asked first how old erin and rachel are, then they asked if they would ever come to Llama, then asked if they're single. I received quite a number of dissatisfied faces when I told them 'sorry they're happily married.' I'm pretty sure the girls were asking for their older brothers. They think theyre the prettiest things theyve ever seen.
The people here are starting to be very friendly towards me, and I've had a number tell me that I have improved greatly in my spanish and someone else told me 'i can actually understnd you this time." However, every time I meet a new person, they tell me 'no entiendo' or 'i dont understand you.' So really, I think theyre just used to my broken spanish. My host family is starting to translate for me. i was invited to a wedding, and the after party was all dancing. I had a persistent old man ask me to dance Marinara, the hardest dance ever in Llama, and when i said no, a bunch of the people clapped their hands and told me to try. out of peer pressure, i got up and attempted to dance, having NO idea what the heck i was doing. i found myself inventing my own steps because I didnt know any of them. the majority of the people in the room clapped their hands at me and all tried to teach me how to dance with him, haha. a little awkward. but i survived.
Healthwise, Ive been a little sick lately and have had to go to the city chiclayo a few times to get tested, hence the reason for my frequent use of internet access lately. Its a little frustrating because I feel like I could be doing a lot more if I was better. But the doctors are working on finding what the heck is wrong with me, so thats good. And one more thing--this whole time ive been having great moments but not a great time, because of a number of factors about my site. homesickness, isolation, etc. But, now its not just great moments anymore. Im actually beginning to really enjoy being in my site. The things that made me not like my site im starting to like. I cant believe this thought is coming to my mind, but im starting to like being really really isolated from all the other communities and volunteers and civilization! A friend told me the more isolated you are, the happier, and I never believed that. but im starting to now.being isolated helps me build deeper relationships with these people; its helping me learn more about their culture and just how they live.
Here are some more pictures of my village. Hopefully my next update, I'll have my projects to share!
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My surprise Breakfast, "chancho fiesta" or pig fiesta.they cut every part and eat it ALL-intestines, heart, etc.. |
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cooking the massive pig |
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cooking again |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ive been here 3 months now!
My excuse for not updating my blog is that my poor internet access in my village does not allow me to, so only once a month at my capitol i get it. meaning I'm at the capitol!
I'm really bad at condensing things and summarizing, so I decided to make some bullet points of my life here so far:
*I saw my first bull race just like the ones in the movies and saw 3 die, grosss.
* I danced Hyno (peruvian dance) in front of 900 people at my welcome fiesta. This equaled DISASTER. I tripped and almost fell a number of times.
* I now have an obssession with apples and empanadas. The empanadas here are like a heart attack on a plate, but theyre soo good. im pretty sure ive gained 15 pounds. the sombrero ladies taught me how to make it! i can now almost cook one food item! the other night i went to a little old ladie's house (i think she's 80 years old), and she invited me to make them with her husband. She's going to teach me how to knit as well, she makes all her blankets and sweaters...i teach her english on mondays and wednesdays
*I drank pig's blood and felt like dying, but im alive again, whew.
* I was invited to ride a horse, but still havent been invited to herd the cows and horses and bulls yet...but i did get invited to milk a cow! i dont know when, but soon i will.
*the kids and yuth are currently teaching me how to play volleyball even though i constantly screw up and hit people and heads more than over the net
*I'm painting a world map with some of the students in the highschool on a wall in the school
*I'm attempting to teach english at the primario school. After day 1 about 15 kids asked for my autograph weird! I didnt realize how much a "gringita" sticks out to them till now. i guess they like me, haha. Im trying to throw other topics in there, bc english isnt my goal at all. so far ive been able to tie in a self esteem lesson. hoping to throw more in there subtly!
* I finally have ideas on projects I want to take on, but I still have to wait a month or 2 to learn the language more and integrate. Im planning on using the kids as a source to get ppl to join me.
*I'm starting to like to DANCE! i hated hated hated it with a passion in the U.S. but a friend taught me Cumbia, thats the only dance i know so far. but I went to 3 llama fiestas in a row. One lasted till 4:30 am, and I literally danced from 10 pm till 4:30 am. I never know i'm going to fiestas till i get there. I went to another community to watch the catholic church's band sing and right when i got back to my village, my host grandparents told me to get into their chicken truck with about 10 other ppl I didnt know. so i did and we ended up going to another village nearby and fiesta'd it up all night and slept on a mattress with 2 other people side by side on the dirt floor of someones hut/house with no electricity or water. I think 5 or 6 ppl crammed into that one room. Ive learned to get very comfortable with people, haha. a very interesting experience!
*when im not teaching, i play with kids all day. Sometimes when I want to be by myself ill try to take side dirt roads to my destination, but i fail every time bc somehow they always know where im at 24/7--there will always be a group of kids attacking me with hugs and kisses. I was walking to the internet and i heard my name so i braced myself and three kids ran up and literally jumped on me haha. so they gave me a tour of the village again for the 5th time. I guess they feel they need to give me tours because its SO big. it takes about 10 minutes, maybe 15 to walk the whole village. pretty tiny.
*people here hate the rain, but i LOVE it. it never rains so when it does, i love to play in it. One day it rained so hard that all the dirt roads were big puddles of mud. Everyone was just waiting in their houses doing nothing so I got 5 kids to take off their shoes and play in the puddles withe me, and ive never seen the kids laugh so hard before! we played hide and go seek with the sandles and had splashing contests...i thought i was going to get in trouble with the parents bc we were ruining our clothes and i probably gave some kids the cold, but they were entertained and we had a whole audience of parents watching us and laughing.
*I'm teaching the nuns and the students of the nuns at the convent english, and they want to learn the lyrics to justin beiber...hes even famous in a village. wow.
Things I miss:
-real coffee
-the freedom and cleanliness to walk around my house with socks, or better yet--barefoot
-being able to decline mystery food that I know will make me sick in about 5 minutes.
-people understanding me and vice versa
-deep conversations
-not sticking out
-trident gum!
-skippy peanut butter
-friends & family
-knowing what's going on
- a real bathroom
-the abundance of water (we get it a few hours of day)
-feeling healthy, feeling clean
Thiings I love:
-The kindess and tender heartedness of my host family
-the innocence and happinness and naivity of these kids
-the simplicity of life
-empanadas and chaufa!
-old sombrero ladies with their crazy stories
-cumbia dances
-living in an adobe house with thatch roofs
-washing my own clothes village-style (hands and a bar of soap)
-the laid backness attitude of the people
-how people get excited about the littlest things
-learning how to be independent and enjoying it
-running at 5:30 in the morning by the foothills
-being constantly amazed daily with Gods creation
-the art of music
PHOTOS! more to come. in this order:
1) my family and their friends and i playing
2)outside my house
3& 4) my family
5)the park
6)the dirt kitchen
7) the peace corps ceremony at the Lima Embassy--whenever people from my village see this picture, they dont believe its me bc i look pretty crappy in my village....my last time to dress up and look nice for awhile haha.
8)dirt kitchen again
9) me on a horse of my family's! I was too scared to ride it, so i posed. and the grandfather walked the horse down one street. great adventure.Wednesday, August 18, 2010
2 more days!
Wow. Can we say culture shock?!
I think I experienced every emotion on my few days trip to my new place...Excitement, fear of the uknown, afraid, happy, sad, joyful, missing people,confusion,frustration,exhaustion, energetic, anxious,appreciative,surprised,awed, and the list goes on.
I know I already explained my town to you, but I officially met them! My family is super sweet and treats me as their own child. THe children are really young and they ask my parents sometimes for ice cream or some type of 'dulce' (sweets). Whenever my mom gives in, she always buys three of something; one for each kid plus me. I live in a very small house. my bathroom is right outside my house in the back, along with the water. No running water in the house, but its very close and im investing in a boiler. i have my own room, whew! i cant get my camera to work so i cant post pics. but theres a small living room, a kitchen, then a room for my parents and a room for me. I''m still trying to figure out where the kids sleep. I dont know if they sleep with the parents or if they sleep in a room close to the bathroom. Right now i have a dirt floor but am getting a carpet! another plus. I have no cell phone reception and limited internet access, but i DO have electricity so i can still straighten my hair, hahahaha. I'm such a girl. As long as I got electricity I'm good to go. oh, and i do have a shower but im a little scared to use it so im learning about bucket showers at the moment. ive never had a bucket shower, itll be interesting!
So the foothills are BEAUTIFUL. every morning I run around this HUGE mountain that the community hikes once a year and has a fiesta at the top. theres a couple palm trees, a beautiful park in the center. What I normally see in a typical day while walking my village: a herd of bulls walking along its herder, maybe a few hogs roaming around, kids playing volley, girls talking while the guys drink in circles outside their houses, women passing the streets with their donkeys and usually a baby on their back wearing the traditional sombrero and long skirts,and the scorching sun probably burning my face (dont worry mom im wearing sunblock! the strong stuff so i wont die). Theres also a few dogs--theyre so nicer than the ones here in Chacra! they actually dont bite!
transportaion is a bit difficult bc i live so far away from just about everything. but we are working on this situation and the country director is driving me to my city this time so i wont get lost on my own at night, so thats a good thing, whew. it took me 30 1/2 hours to get from Llama back to Chacrasana. but they do have these awesome full layout buses for the last bus ride i have to take, the 15 hour one. those things are fun!
its a little hard having people understand me in my broken spanish. ive gotten better but they speak in a different accent in this small village. however, they are super nice and are already teaching me their slang, and i met a friend of my socio (the person im supposed to work with for the next 2 weeks), and they took me out to the one restaurant in town. menu: rice and beans and soup. ha. you get the same at a restaurant and in the house, but i guess they think its different.i think once i start getting better with the spanish, ill be less frustrated and hoping ppl will understand me! but its exciting to always learn something new and is always funny and adventure with all my awkward encounters i have. i dont know when youll hear from me again.im leaving to go to site in 2 days, after my ceremony and initiation into becoming a volunteer this weekend! im almost a real volunteer! im still classified as a 'trainee' until this weekend! until then, nos vemos!
I think I experienced every emotion on my few days trip to my new place...Excitement, fear of the uknown, afraid, happy, sad, joyful, missing people,confusion,frustration,exhaustion, energetic, anxious,appreciative,surprised,awed, and the list goes on.
I know I already explained my town to you, but I officially met them! My family is super sweet and treats me as their own child. THe children are really young and they ask my parents sometimes for ice cream or some type of 'dulce' (sweets). Whenever my mom gives in, she always buys three of something; one for each kid plus me. I live in a very small house. my bathroom is right outside my house in the back, along with the water. No running water in the house, but its very close and im investing in a boiler. i have my own room, whew! i cant get my camera to work so i cant post pics. but theres a small living room, a kitchen, then a room for my parents and a room for me. I''m still trying to figure out where the kids sleep. I dont know if they sleep with the parents or if they sleep in a room close to the bathroom. Right now i have a dirt floor but am getting a carpet! another plus. I have no cell phone reception and limited internet access, but i DO have electricity so i can still straighten my hair, hahahaha. I'm such a girl. As long as I got electricity I'm good to go. oh, and i do have a shower but im a little scared to use it so im learning about bucket showers at the moment. ive never had a bucket shower, itll be interesting!
So the foothills are BEAUTIFUL. every morning I run around this HUGE mountain that the community hikes once a year and has a fiesta at the top. theres a couple palm trees, a beautiful park in the center. What I normally see in a typical day while walking my village: a herd of bulls walking along its herder, maybe a few hogs roaming around, kids playing volley, girls talking while the guys drink in circles outside their houses, women passing the streets with their donkeys and usually a baby on their back wearing the traditional sombrero and long skirts,and the scorching sun probably burning my face (dont worry mom im wearing sunblock! the strong stuff so i wont die). Theres also a few dogs--theyre so nicer than the ones here in Chacra! they actually dont bite!
transportaion is a bit difficult bc i live so far away from just about everything. but we are working on this situation and the country director is driving me to my city this time so i wont get lost on my own at night, so thats a good thing, whew. it took me 30 1/2 hours to get from Llama back to Chacrasana. but they do have these awesome full layout buses for the last bus ride i have to take, the 15 hour one. those things are fun!
its a little hard having people understand me in my broken spanish. ive gotten better but they speak in a different accent in this small village. however, they are super nice and are already teaching me their slang, and i met a friend of my socio (the person im supposed to work with for the next 2 weeks), and they took me out to the one restaurant in town. menu: rice and beans and soup. ha. you get the same at a restaurant and in the house, but i guess they think its different.i think once i start getting better with the spanish, ill be less frustrated and hoping ppl will understand me! but its exciting to always learn something new and is always funny and adventure with all my awkward encounters i have. i dont know when youll hear from me again.im leaving to go to site in 2 days, after my ceremony and initiation into becoming a volunteer this weekend! im almost a real volunteer! im still classified as a 'trainee' until this weekend! until then, nos vemos!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
i got my site!
so I will be spending the next two years in.....
CAJAMARCA! thats a good thing. If anyone feels like stalking me and googling it, the exact place is llama, which is in the city of chota, which is in the providence of Cajamarca. 930 people live in my community, and I'm pretty way out there. My total trip time is on average 26 hours from Lima. Lima to Cajamarca is 15ish hours, then to the city chota is 6 hours, then another 5 hours to my site! BUT, good thing is because I'm so far away, I get an extra day of vacation when I travel. And I live about 2 hours from the closest volunteer. My room is currently being added to my house..not sure about the water situation or much. But I do know I'm by foothills. I leave this Sunday to meet my family!! ahhh! I will post back more later when I find out more descriptions. I do know they want me to be creating my own programs and projects for 'underprivileged youth,' helping out with programs with the catholic church, teaching in the schools and helping with tutoring, and teaming up with other leaders in the community to work together on other projects.
In other news............
The highlight of these past few weeks would have to be when I went to field based training, where I went with a group to a possible site and observed what the volunteers did and participated in the activities. It was cool because it showed me some stuff I could be doing when I get to site. We taught a lot in schools or non-informal places. We did a session on self esteem, one on nutrition, one on English, and we just played games with one. I had to speak in spanish when I taught and I failed miserably the first time! However, the second and third time was a whole lot better and I think people actually understood me. We also got to go on a tour of the ruins of the incans, that was interesting!
from top to bottom: Ninos playing the drums outside the afro-peruana museum in one of the volunteer's sites; watching youth in a school teaching a lesson to their peers after we spent the first hour teaching them the same thing;aaand a really cool bridge. there's this river thats not crossable by car, so theres this huge bridge that goes across where local villagers cross all the time.
thats all for now! as usual, I'm having problems uploading but hopefully i can put more up later.
CAJAMARCA! thats a good thing. If anyone feels like stalking me and googling it, the exact place is llama, which is in the city of chota, which is in the providence of Cajamarca. 930 people live in my community, and I'm pretty way out there. My total trip time is on average 26 hours from Lima. Lima to Cajamarca is 15ish hours, then to the city chota is 6 hours, then another 5 hours to my site! BUT, good thing is because I'm so far away, I get an extra day of vacation when I travel. And I live about 2 hours from the closest volunteer. My room is currently being added to my house..not sure about the water situation or much. But I do know I'm by foothills. I leave this Sunday to meet my family!! ahhh! I will post back more later when I find out more descriptions. I do know they want me to be creating my own programs and projects for 'underprivileged youth,' helping out with programs with the catholic church, teaching in the schools and helping with tutoring, and teaming up with other leaders in the community to work together on other projects.
In other news............
The highlight of these past few weeks would have to be when I went to field based training, where I went with a group to a possible site and observed what the volunteers did and participated in the activities. It was cool because it showed me some stuff I could be doing when I get to site. We taught a lot in schools or non-informal places. We did a session on self esteem, one on nutrition, one on English, and we just played games with one. I had to speak in spanish when I taught and I failed miserably the first time! However, the second and third time was a whole lot better and I think people actually understood me. We also got to go on a tour of the ruins of the incans, that was interesting!
from top to bottom: Ninos playing the drums outside the afro-peruana museum in one of the volunteer's sites; watching youth in a school teaching a lesson to their peers after we spent the first hour teaching them the same thing;aaand a really cool bridge. there's this river thats not crossable by car, so theres this huge bridge that goes across where local villagers cross all the time.
thats all for now! as usual, I'm having problems uploading but hopefully i can put more up later.
Friday, July 2, 2010
I spent two days worth of salary on sandals
This post has nothing to do with my title, but i just recently bought shoes and am excited. i came to peru with flip flops and was told im not allowed to wear them so i almost have no shoes. we get 8 soles a day on pc salary, which is a little under 3 dollars. but it was so worth it.which is probably a pointless fact, haha.
picture time!
some quick facts:
1)i saw a llama finally!
2)i ate cow intestines and havent gotten sick yet, but dont think I want to try that again.
3) 7 more weeks till i get into site and will be working with kids and youth!
4)i got chased by 3 dogs last night until a peruvian saw me and saved me
5)I feel like a very awkward gringa around my family bc i still dont understand what theyre saying, and we are constantly having misunderstanding conversations. my mom will be talking about something and i will respond on a completely diff subject thinking im answering her, but i end up just confusing everybody that's around me, haha. But its fun, m learning slowly. a group of us volunteers have been having to interview random people on the street, and I finally can ask questions with them understanding!
6)me and a few others started our first youth group! during training we are supposed to get a bunch of youth together and teach them something. Last week we had 15 youth show up--we'll be teaching them english through music and art, and will also be doing some culture exchange information as well.
ill post more pics later when my comp is faster!
picture time!
where we stayed at for orientation! well, not here, the building behind this, the bright green sign:) |
random shot of part of the town |
my hermana who i told to make a crazy face, and I guess I went to crazy-happy on her. |
outside my bed room window of my little dirt town |
these are the insane fireworks, built on planks of wood. when it goes off, i started running bc they go in the crowd and everywhere! i had to run to miss them. |
some quick facts:
1)i saw a llama finally!
2)i ate cow intestines and havent gotten sick yet, but dont think I want to try that again.
3) 7 more weeks till i get into site and will be working with kids and youth!
4)i got chased by 3 dogs last night until a peruvian saw me and saved me
5)I feel like a very awkward gringa around my family bc i still dont understand what theyre saying, and we are constantly having misunderstanding conversations. my mom will be talking about something and i will respond on a completely diff subject thinking im answering her, but i end up just confusing everybody that's around me, haha. But its fun, m learning slowly. a group of us volunteers have been having to interview random people on the street, and I finally can ask questions with them understanding!
6)me and a few others started our first youth group! during training we are supposed to get a bunch of youth together and teach them something. Last week we had 15 youth show up--we'll be teaching them english through music and art, and will also be doing some culture exchange information as well.
ill post more pics later when my comp is faster!
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