Friday, July 2, 2010

I spent two days worth of salary on sandals

This post has nothing to do with my title, but i just recently bought shoes and am excited. i came to peru with flip flops and was told im not allowed to wear them so i almost have no shoes. we get 8 soles a day on pc salary, which is a little under 3 dollars. but it was so worth it.which is probably a pointless fact, haha.

picture time!
where we stayed at for orientation! well, not here, the building behind this, the bright green sign:)
random shot of part of the town
this is one of the things i find the most crazy about--in my town there can be pretty decent houses, and RIGHT next door will look almost like a shack. i have a pretty nice house and am spoiled, but the volunteer next to me lives in something similar like this but its all cement.
my hermana who i told to make a crazy face, and I guess I went to crazy-happy on her.
outside my bed room window of my little dirt town
these people love love LOVE fiestas! which consist of dancing, eating, drinking, and crazy fireworks. starts around 4 and the town stays up till like 6 or 7 in the morning! i wont admit what time it was, but i was the first one to sleep, even before my 2 yr old brother!

these are the insane fireworks, built on planks of wood. when it goes off, i started running bc they go in the crowd and everywhere! i had to run to miss them.

some quick facts:

1)i saw a llama finally!
2)i ate cow intestines and havent gotten sick yet, but dont think I want to try that again.
3) 7 more weeks till i get into site and will be working with kids and youth!
4)i got chased by 3 dogs last night until a peruvian saw me and saved me
5)I feel like a very awkward gringa around my family bc i still dont understand what theyre saying, and we are constantly having misunderstanding conversations. my mom will be talking about something and i will respond on a completely diff subject thinking im answering her, but i end up just confusing everybody that's around me, haha. But its fun, m learning slowly. a group of us volunteers have been having to interview random people on the street, and I finally can ask questions with them understanding!
6)me and a few others started our first youth group! during training we are supposed to get a bunch of youth together and teach them something. Last week we had 15 youth show up--we'll be teaching them english through music and art, and will also be doing some culture exchange information as well.

ill post more pics later when my comp is faster!


  1. Hey Megs! Looking forward to your next blog. Keep safe and keep having fun! Love, Dad and Mom

  2. Awesome stuff!
    Praying for you every day

  3. wow! sounds like you are having fun! cow intestines sounds and I am sure SMELLS delicious! lol
